Schedule of Readings and Written Assignments


Week 1: T 9/4 – F 9/7
Intro to Capstone Course and Syllabus Review
- JR#0: Thoughts surrounding the "military industrial complex"
Identifying Themes and Questions Central to the Course
The First Conflict... Satan's Rebellion and the War in Heaven
- Milton - Paradise Lost, Book 2
- JR#1

Week 2: M 9/10 – F 9/14
The First Conflict... Satan's Rebellion and the War in Heaven
- Milton - Paradise Lost, Book 2
- Bey, "Pirate Utopias, Waiting for the Revolution, The Psychotopology of Everyday Life, The Will to Power as Disappearance, Ratholes in the Babylon of Information” from TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone

Week 3: M 9/17 – F 9/21
The First Conflict... Satan's Rebellion and the War in Heaven
- Milton - Paradise Lost, Book 6
- Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade"

Week 4: M 9/24 – F 9/28
The First Conflict... Satan's Rebellion and the War in Heaven
- Milton - Paradise Lost, Book 6

Week 5: M 10/1 – F 10/5
The First Conflict... Satan's Rebellion and the War in Heaven
- Milton - Paradise Lost, Book 6
- Film: Smith, Dogma (cf. IMDB)
McConeghy, "Angels and Belief"
- JR#4

Week 6: R 10/11 – F 10/12
Ø Fall Break II
In-Class Writing Workshops
-  Response Paper #1 due

Week 7: M 10/15 – F 10/19
The Great War... Chemical Mayhem in the Trenches
- FitzgeraldChemical Warfare and Medical Response in WWI
Selected Readings from Keegan, The Book of War
- Rogerson, "Twelve Days"
- et al.

Week 8: M 10/22 – F 10/26
The Great War... Chemical Mayhem in the Trenches
- Vonnegut, "Great Day" from Armageddon in Retrospect 
- Coughlan, Sean "Graphic Eyewitness Somme Accounts Revealed" - BBC, 2016
- Film: Stone, Oliver. The Untold History of the United States, Episode 11: "WWI, The Russian Revolution & Woodrow Wilson: Seeds of Empire."

Week 9: M 10/29 – F 11/2
The Great War... Heroes, Harbingers of Hell
- Film: Stone, Oliver. The Untold History of the United States, Episode 11: "WWI, The Russian Revolution & Woodrow Wilson: Seeds of Empire."
RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front, Chapter One

Week 10: M 11/5 – F 11/9
The Great War... Heroes, Harbingers of Hell
RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front, Chapters Two-Six
- Myre, "100 Years On, The 'Hello Girls' Are Recognized For World War I Heroics"
- JR#6

Week 11: T 11/13 – F 11/16
The Great War... Heroes, Harbingers of Hell
RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front, Chapters Seven-Ten

Week 12: M 11/19 – T 11/20
The Great War... Heroes, Harbingers of Hell
RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front, Chapters Eleven-Twelve
- JR#7
- Response Paper #2 Thesis Proposal Due
Ø Thanksgiving Break

Week 13: T 11/27 – F 11/30
In-Class Writing Workshops
- Response Paper #2 Draft due

Week 14: M 12/3 – F 12/7
World War II... The Bomb
- Response Paper #2 due
- Film: Stone, Oliver. The Untold History of the United States, Episode 1: "World War Two"
Ø End of Trimester One 

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Week 15: M 1/7 – F 1/11
Welcome Back from Winter Break and a Happy New Year!
Examining the Trauma of World War II through Poetry of Witness
- Forché - "Introduction" to Against Forgetting, and selected poets and works:
- Dorfman, "Vocabulary"
Forché - "The Holocaust, The Shoah"

Week 16: M 1/14 – F 1/18
Examining the Trauma of World War II through Poetry of Witness
- Forché - Against Forgetting, "The Holocaust, The Shoah"
- Sachs, "O the Chimneys"
- Radnóti, "Forced March," "Letter to My Wife," "Peace, Horror," "Picture Postcards," and "Seventh Eclogue"
- Celan, "Night Ray," "Death Fugue," THERE WAS EARTH...," I HEAR...," and "A LEAF..."

Week 17: T 1/22 – F 1/25
Ø MLK Day (M 1/21)
Examining the Trauma of World War II through Poetry of Witness
- Forché - Against Forgetting, "The Holocaust, The Shoah"
- more selections to follow... TBD
- Murfin & Ray - "Deconstruction"

Week 18: M 1/28 – F 2/1
Examining the "Traumatic Collateral Damage" from Modern Wars & Conflicts
- Selection from a Brooklynite's Autobiography on his experiences in Vietnam
- Film: Stone, Oliver. Platoon (cf. IMDB; streaming here)
Murfin & Ray - "Post-Structuralism"

Week 19: M 2/4 – F 2/8
Examining the "Traumatic Collateral Damage" from Modern Wars & Conflicts
- Film: Stone, Oliver. Platoon (cf. IMDB; streaming here)

Week 20: M 2/11– F 2/15
Examining the "Traumatic Collateral Damage" from Modern Wars & Conflicts
- Khan and Gopal, "The Uncounted" from The New York Times Magazine
- Film: Mendes, Sam. Jarhead (cf. IMDB)

Week 21: W 2/20 – F 2/22
Ø Presidents Day Break (M 2/18 – T 2/19)
- Film: Mendes, Sam. Jarhead (cf. IMDB)
In-Class Discussion and Analysis
Response Paper #3 due

Week 22: M 2/25 – F 3/1
In-Class Writing Workshops & Research Time
Final Paper Prospectus due 

Week 23: M 3/4 – F 3/8
In-Class Writing Workshops & Research Time
Final Paper Annotated Bibliography due

Week 24: M 3/11 – F 3/15
- Final Research Paper due
- Final Research Paper Presentation, in-class Friday 3/15

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